I’ve had enough and I have to say something…..okay….a LOT of something(s). I think it’s safe to say that this year’s election season was one of the worst in history. To admit my own embarrassment of those running for President would be an understatement. My children aren’t old enough to fully understand everything so I’ve shielded them from it. Or so I thought. On Monday, the day before the election, my daughter came and informed me they had been discussing the election at school and she asked who I was voting for. I admitted I wasn’t voting this year. Not because I didn’t want to, but because in the midst of the craziness of our transition I had failed to update our voter registrations when we moved. Truth be told, deep down, I took some awkward solace in that fact. My daughter stated, “Well, I won’t vote for that woman because she kills little kids!” Shocked, I gave her an awkward stare and asked her to repeat herself. She repeated the statement verbatim. I said, “Where did you hear that?” She replied, “They told me that at school!” I asked, “Who is they because that doesn’t sound like something your teacher would teach you?” She stated, “My friends!” as she continued telling me this elaborate story, never mentioning the word abortion, only eluding to some of the facts in a childlike, misinformed way. I sat her down and we continued our conversation as I tried to iron everything out. I explained to her in terms an 8-year-old could understand who both candidates were and what they stood for. In that moment I felt ill-prepared and somewhat incapable of expressing the true intent of my heart as it had been ripped to shreds and strewn in a million pieces over a period of years that includes this election season.
The realities of our world and society break my heart. Every day, we are facing issues I never dreamed would ever arise. My children are growing up in a society that is more “me” driven rather than Christ-centered. For almost two years, day after day, the candidates on both sides have degraded one another in such hateful ways. The world has watched the disrespect first hand and now many are repeating the same behavior. Obama, Clinton, and Trump….OH MY! We have a MAJOR problem! I may not be a politician but I am a Christian and a citizen of this country. A country that was founded on Christ-centered values….and we have a LOT of work to do. With that citizenship comes certain perks and I intend to submit my “free speech” card at this time. So, here you go!
Dear Democrats – First and foremost, I am a Christian. While I choose to vote mostly along a Republican party lines (as their values most clearly reflect my own) I would request you not refer to me as a bigot, racist, misogynist, or any other derogatory term unless the fruit on my tree reflects such—and I will extend the same courtesy to you. It is your right to vote as you deem necessary and I will do that same as the Holy Spirit leads me. Had Mrs. Clinton been our next President I assure you I would not have spoken ill of her in public. While I did not vote for President Obama, I submitted to his authority and respected his position because that’s what the word of God instructs me to do. I pray you will do the same in the next 4-8 years. We are all in this together. While my party’s candidate may have expressed and taken part in negative acts, that does not make me guilty of the same simply by association.
Dear Republicans-I implore you to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” If you desire to receive respect then give respect regardless of color, ethnicity, educational background, financial status, etc. The orphans and the widows must be our priority. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” [James 1:27] It seems Republicans now have all the power, so to speak. I encourage you/us to use it wisely. Don’t squander this moment or we will have no one to blame but ourselves. And while I don’t desire to be a wet blanket on your excitement, please be aware that your responses on social media, in public, and more affect those around you. If you can’t say something nice, please just SHHHHHHHHH.
Dear President Obama—There is no doubt in my mind the burden you have carried for eight years has been the greatest of your life. While I do not agree with many of decisions you have made for our country, I respect your position and authority and thank you for your service. I hope you will take the lead of your predecessor and, going forward, keep your opinions to yourself. I genuinely hope you enjoy sleeping late and spending time with your family. No doubt, you have missed quite a bit of that over the past few years. It is my desire you take your time left in the spotlight to help restore and heal the rift you have had a hand in causing during this season.
Dear President-elect Trump—You, sir, will also have my respect because of your position and authority. But make no mistake, I expect more from you than what I have seen in months prior. I do not condone your actions and find them quite embarrassing. My children are watching you. Because of your influence I hope you will humble yourself, turn from your wicked ways, and seek His face. If you are the Christian you have bragged to be in recent months, I implore you to act like it. Your actions haven’t reflected the Bible that I read. Also, respectfully, you are not capable of Making America Great Again, sir. Only my Lord and Savior has the ability to accomplish that feat. I will be covering you in prayer and hope you will show love, respect, and kindness to those you will now be serving regardless of who they are. Yes, sir. Serving. …”Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” [Mark 9:35]
Dear fellow Christians—Just because the election season is over doesn’t mean it’s time to get off of our knees. Regardless of who became our next President it was STILL our job to point people to God. NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!!! We STILL need God to heal our land!!! Trump nor Clinton were EVER the answer to our problems. God is the way, truth, and life!!!! I encourage you to abstain from idle chatter. Matthew 12:36-37, “And I tell you this, that you must give account on Judgment Day for every idle word you speak. Your words now reflect your fate then: either you will be justified by them or you will be condemned.” STAY ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!! Someone was always going to win and someone was always going to lose. Regardless, the King of King still reigns on His throne! Let’s get to work! Regardless of what happens after 12pm on January 20th, 2017 we have no reason to fear. As I heard it said a few months ago, “My hope ain’t in Obama, Chelsea’s momma, or Trump’s drama!”
We are responsible for our own actions. To those on BOTH sides who think it is okay to attack others (physically, spiritually, emotionally, etc.), you’re WRONG. And not because I say so, rather “…for the Bible tells me so.” Folks, our children are watching our every move. They are listening to our every word. We will ALL be held accountable for our actions someday. “”If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” [Matt 18:6] I may not agree with the decisions you make but it is not my place to judge you. I will leave that painstaking work to the Holy Spirit. I choose to love you and point you to the one with the power to forgive you of your trespasses. I will not judge you because I’m busy with the plank in my own eye.
Pray it with me, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable and in thy sight, O Lord, my Rock and Redeemer.”
Let’s join together to stop the work of the enemy!
I love you all!