All posts by Brian Rhodes

This adoption will be their choice.

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I remember my wife and I making the decision to adopt years ago. Our choice had been covered in months of prayer. Those first meetings with the agency were filled with wonderment at what was the adoption process. There was so much excitement for us both. Paired with that excitement was a large helping of blatant fear. Seems awkward those two feelings walked so strongly hand-in-hand but the pairing was undeniable. We were preparing to become first time parents and had no clear understanding of what to expect. Movies are created mimicking the process women undergo during pregnancy but this was a first for us. You see, these children were being birthed from our hearts, not our biological makeup. While one isn’t any more important than the other I genuinely believe adoption comes with an added set of worries and fears. What will people say?  How will our family be viewed?  Will our children look or act like us? Will we have anything in common? Will they have anything in common with their birthparents? Will they love their birthparents more? It may seem absurd to some but these questions (and more) run on a constant reel in your head, especially on your first go-round with adoption.

I remember wondering if I would ever have anything in common with my adoptive child. We were adopting from birth and to us, we were as much an alien to our child as our child was to us. Funny enough, I hear birthchildren tend to be alien-like to their birthparents for those first few months as well. That fact did bring some consolation.   Most parents will admit, after a while you seem to hit your stride.  Everyone begins learning each other and before you realize it biological makeup isn’t even an area of consideration. I still remember meeting with our daughter’s birthmother for the first time as she was drinking in everything about us. We were doing the same with her. Why had she chosen us? One big reason was because our scrapbook (created to give BM’s a better idea of who we are) had pictures of horses in it. Our daughter’s birthmother had grown up around horses and desired the same for our little bundle of joy. We decided early on we weren’t going to push anything on her rather allow God to form and shape her. From the time she knew what a horse was, she was smitten. You could see it in her countenance. When she got around horses she became a different child. That same desire exhibited by her birthmother had carried over to our daughter. Here’s the crazy part. Before she ever began exhibiting a likeness to her birthmother her personality very quickly mirrored my own, her adoptive father. Like Daddy, she likes order, knowing what to expect, she’s a little mischievous, loves to laugh, is organized, and more. The same has been true of my son who is also adopted.  We learned his birthfather was actively involved in sports. From the time my son has been able to hold something in his hand he’s shown an above average talent for all things sports related. Yet his easy going and laid personality mirrors my wife’s, his adoptive mother.

At first glance it’s apparent our children aren’t biologically our own as our skin tones are all different. But none of those things, visible or invisible, make us any more or less of a family.  As time passes I am realizing biologics do play a part but so do the environment we grow up in. I fully expect introducing my children to their birthparents one day. I fully anticipate realization that, even though they didn’t grow up in their homes, they will still have things in common. In that same manner, I pray I’m becoming more like my Father every day. You thought I was talking about my birthfather, didn’t you? Nope. I’m already like him. I’m referring to my Father above. You see, I was adopted into His family. But it was by my choosing.  I pray as my children grow they will become as God intended at the point of conception. But I also pray they’ll choose to become adopted into His family as I have. This adoption will be their choice. Funny how things that once brought me questions and reservations become null and void as the years pass. It would thrill me to know they are becoming like their other Father. Then again, I guess this father will have a hand in that. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” [Prov. 22:6]  It’s time for this Daddy to get to work.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  I have no clue the hand you’ve been dealt.  Whatever the situation God desires great and wonderful things for your life.  Rather than complaining about what you don’t have choose to find appreciation for what you have been blessed with.  Our world goes in search of things to fill a void.  Many times what we’re looking for can be found right under our noses.  Just because things haven’t turned out the way we want or expect doesn’t make them any more or less a gift from God. Sometimes you have to rest in the promise rather than wrestling with your fears.  Just because you can’t figure out how God’s promises will unfold doesn’t mean it won’t– or hasn’t already.  Be encouraged today, my friends!!!

What if church were a little more like Walmart?

Walmart Blog Pic

Have you ever considered what it would be like if church were a little more like Walmart? I’m serious.  While I realize it has its major faults (i.e. twenty registers and 1 cashier) you have to admit the store does have its positives.  I’m not a huge shopper.  I can go quite some time without purchasing anything for myself.  I can be sitting at home and see a Walmart commercial for some random item at a lowered price and think, “I need to go check that out!”  I’m instantly drawn to the store like a moth to a flame.  When I darken the doorway of our local Walmart (I’m ashamed to admit) I have a hard time fighting the urge to simply get what I need and leave.  I always go in with good intentions and a short shopping list.  I emerge from the store excitedly with numerous plastic gray bags filled with loot.  Walmart is the only store I leave with multiple purchases of the same item.  While in the store the purchase makes sense.  Who could pass up six bottle of ketchup for such a low price?  The “low price leader” strikes again!!!  It’s like the air in the store is laced with some hallucinogenic.  It happens every-single-time!!!  Then I get home and think, “What just happened?”  I need to return some of this………but I can’t be trusted……must……..more……ketchup!!  Before you think I’ve gone totally bonkers let me get to the point.

What if church were like that? Yes, I realize most churches don’t sell ketchup.  I’m referring to walking in the doors of the church and emerging with something you hadn’t planned to get.  There are many who have chosen not to follow Christ.  No doubt, they will one day regret this choice.  But there are others waiting for an invitation.  It’s highly probable God has already planted seeds in their hearts and minds.  The seed only needs a little and a bit of water and time in the ‘Son.’  We must daily remind ourselves to, “…go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” [Luke 14:23]  My wife was teaching a Sunday School lesson a few weeks ago and said the following, “It’s time to stop playing church and start being the church!”  I can’t shake that statement.  The walls of the church were never created to keep Christians confined.  Christianity is about taking action.  I dare say if we would do a little more “compelling” we would see a mighty harvest of souls.  [Side note: If our words and actions aren’t compelling enough we may need to inspect our own relationship with Christ (or lack thereof)].  Someone could choose to attend because of an invitation to a special activity–but leave having made the decision to become a part of the family of God.  Romans 10:13 reminds us, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”  Also, God is “…not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” [2 Peter 3:9]  What if church were a little more like Walmart?

Final thoughts and encouragement: I encourage you take the time to figure out what “compelling” (the above scripture reference) means to you.  We all have a work to do for the kingdom.  Are we doing it?  Are we being the church?  Have a blessed day, my friends!!!

God uses broken stuff too!!!

Broken Crayons

My daughter can be a bit of a hoarder. She likes to keep everything.  From the tiniest scraps of paper to sticks and rocks– and EVERYTHING in between.  No joke.  It’s mildly amusing.  She finds value in the most seemingly insignificant (to me) things.  Encouraging her to part with certain items doesn’t turn out well.  I’ve often heard, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”  I have found this to be true.  Recently we set about cleaning her room (also known as the toy dungeon).  We were sorting through things she wanted to keep, things to give away, and items to throw away because they were broken.  Folks, the struggle is real.  Convincing her to discard anything is like sitting a fat kid in front of a dessert bar with instructions not to touch anything [Who are we kidding?  I’m not even sure I could control myself either—but I digress.]  After dealing with the toy issue we moved on to items I thought wouldn’t cause nearly as much anguish.  I begin rummaging through one area and found a multitude of broken crayons.  I said, “Baby, I’m going to throw these away.  If you need more I can just buy another box.”  She quickly responded, “But I can still use the broken ones!”  I poised myself to argue with her and stopped dead in my tracks.  I felt the Holy Spirit say, “I use broken things too.”  Whoa!  I wasn’t expecting that.  Honestly, I don’t think I heard another thing she said.  My mind began spinning with what I sensed the Holy Spirit reminding me.

Psalm 51 finds King David pouring out his heart. He has found himself in a quandary.  This Psalms is a record of his repentance because of the sin issues surrounding Bathsheba and Uriah.  Long story short-David sins by being intimate with Bathsheba (the wife of someone else) who later realizes she’s pregnant with his child.  In an attempt to cover his sin he calls for Uriah, who has been in battle, and commands he be intimate with his wife.  Uriah will not do so as he’s committed to getting back to the battle (Uriah is unaware of what has transpired between the King David and his wife).  David makes sure he’s placed on the front line and, as expected, Uriah is killed battle.  He later gets called out for it and sets about making things right with God.  He realizes what he has to do to repair the damage to his relationship with God.  After repenting his tells God (vs. 13), “Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.”  His desire is for something good to come from his mistake.  Verse 17 states, “The [worthy] sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.”  I’ve come across many who feel guilt because of present or past sins.  While I’m not encouraging anyone to purposefully sin, we must realize all hope is not lost when we fail.  We are still valuable for kingdom purposes.  God specializes in turning failures into testimonies.  “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  With God, there is always hope.

Final thoughts and encouragement: If you have fallen I encourage you to stop wallowing in pity or guilt.  Simply confess, get back up, and keep pressing forward—and work hard not to repeat your wrongdoings.  The devil takes joy in reminding us how broken and messed up we are.  Thankfully, God uses broken stuff too!  My friends, God has a mighty work for us all.  Find your place and get to work!  As I’ve heard it said-the next time the devil reminds you about your past or present, remind him of his future.  He too will one day bow before the Creator of the universe.  He’s already been defeated!

….something just wasn’t right.

Head in sand

I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but something didn’t feel normal. It started out simple enough. A small symptom here or there. But everything unusual could be explained. I was thirsty a lot and was tired all the time……but, I had been working outside in the summer sun quite a bit. Maybe I needed to slow down? There was still that nagging feeling something just wasn’t right. Some call it a gut feeling our conscience. I call it the Holy Spirit at work. I finally broke down and went to the doctor. He ran a few tests and asked, “Who is the diabetic in your family?” My response was, “Huh? There aren’t any diabetics in my family, I don’t think?!?” His response, “Well, we have one now!” My head was spinning with the implications. All I could see was a shortened life span and needles…….LOT of needles. “How can we fix it? What do I need to do?” I craved answers to my questions, all the while kicking myself for not going to the doctor sooner. He sat down beside me and we spoke for about fifteen minutes uninterrupted. Everything else faded as I hung to his every word. This diagnosis felt unbelievable. It felt like a death sentence. I should have expected such as my lifestyle reflected the diagnosis. I was morbidly obese, tipping the scales at nearly 400 pounds then; and I didn’t care. Until that moment I never saw a need to change. The symptoms were there all along but I ignored or reasoned it away. What did I do? I heeded the doctors warning before things got worse. I changed my lifestyle and did my best to begin making better decisions. It wasn’t easy but with God’s help, I did it.

You know what I’m talking about because you’ve experienced it too– but in a different manner. Something was off but you convinced yourself there was nothing to worry about. That’s the way sin works. Rarely does the devil slap us in the face with a blatant invitation to something wrong or immoral. It starts small and our good intentions become just that. Intentions. We discontinue our attempts at doing what is right while allowing our morals to slip a little.  Personal convictions become non-existent. “It isn’t THAT bad, is it? Nah! I’m fine.” The red flags are at every turn yet we conveniently turn a blind eye. Sin has a way of quietly slipping in when we let down our guard. Regret and a desire for rescue only come after we’ve gone too far. Thankfully, if we’re living and breathing there’s always hope.  He is our hope! God reminds us, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” [John 1:9]  We’ve been forgiven by the One who matters most-but it required confession and effort on our part to change. With forgiveness comes His presence as He walks with us every step of the way. There will most likely always be consequences.  Thankfully, we’re never alone.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  Get your head out of the sand and pay attention.  The Holy Spirit is telling you something today.  The only way to know His voice better is to converse with Him daily. There will always be warning signs if we pay attention. And remember– that same grace and mercy extended from our Father is the same we should extend to others when forgiving them for wrongs towards us. Doesn’t mean it will be easy. But it is necessary. Have a blessed day, my friends!

Substitutes need NOT apply!

As a child I remember my favorite days in school were snow days (though I normally got in trouble on those days) and days we had a substitute teacher.  It was like a holiday.  There was always work to finish but as a consummate OVER-achiever I ALWAYS finished within an hour or two and spent the rest of the day playing games or involving myself in any number of mischievous activities. I know what you’re thinking—“Brian was mischievous???  NEVER!!!”  Though I was an angel most of the time I must admit, I had my moments. [go ahead and roll your eyes, I know it’s coming, ha ha!]  Surprisingly, after a few days of dealing with a substitute there was always a part of me that desired my real teacher to return.  We never learned much with a substitute teacher simply because he/she was unaware of what was going on.  I hate to say it but I think they were there simply to babysit us.  While it was nice to have a break from the norm the substitute was just that; a substitute.  He/She was a sad imitation of the real thing.  In most cases the substitute was ill-equipped to help me further my education.

Look around you.  You are surrounded by those seeking fulfillment—and you can number yourself among them.  We are all born with a desire for something deeper.  And so the search ensues.  That same desire leaves us all attempting to fill voids with any number of activities, purchases, unhealthy relationships, and more.  We quickly learn those things never quite give us the feeling of fulfillment we thought it would.  They are only a ‘quick-fix.’  Frustrated, we trot off to the next thing. NEWS FLASH: We won’t experience genuine fulfillment until we have developed a meaningful relationship with Christ.  Sadly we find this same issue in the church when dealing with surface Christians.  You know the ones I’m talking about.  They attend church and live with integrity but are simply going through the motions without seeking a genuine relationship in Christ.  I remember asking Christ in my heart at a young age.  It took me many years to learn the importance of intimacy.  Genuine intimacy.  I have found the more I know Him, the more I love Him.  As I’ve matured I have realized it’s less about what I need Him to do for me and more about knowing and serving Him better.  The more I seek and know Him I realize there’s nothing I need but God.  You can take the rest of this stuff.  It’s temporary.  The love I have for the Father supplies my every longing.  Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”  I say to the world—take your riches—just give me Jesus!  I don’t want a relationship that amounts to nothing more than a meaningless ‘fling.’  As far as I’m concerned, substitutes need not apply.  Give me the REAL thing.

Final words and encouragement:  I’m reminded of an old hymn that states, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus.  Look full in His wonderful face.  And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”  The more I focus on Him the less my focus is on my own desires or needs.  Scripture says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” [Jer 29:13]  Looking for fulfillment?  It’s found ONLY in Him!!!  I pray blessings over you as you search!

…take a page from Jesus’ playbook

I have found myself becoming increasingly uncomfortable in the past few months.  Decisions are being made in our local, state, and federal government putting Christians in compromising positions.  Many are being made to choose between their biblically held beliefs and, in some cases, their livelihood.  The latest story dominating headlines is a woman named Kim Davis.  Rather than issue a marriage license to a gay couple, as ordered by the court systems, she chose to go to jail.  It’s my understanding she was also given the choice to resign her position.  Instead she chose a jail stay.  I’m not impressed by her stance and here’s why.  Romans 13:1-2 specifically states, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God.  Therefore whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”  We know through scripture we serve a God of order, justice, and the punishment of evil.  Do I think Ms. Davis should have issued the marriage license?  I proclaim a resounding—NO!  Doing so would have gone against the word of God.  But the word also tells us we are to obey the laws of the land.  Is that my Final Answer on this subject?  Nope.  Acts 5:27-29 reminds us of a stipulation to the aforementioned scripture.  Here we find Peter and the other apostles standing trial before the Sanhedrin.  They had been told by the government officials not to teach in the name of Jesus.  Their reply was, “We must obey God rather than men!”  From this we learn we are expected to obey the laws of the land unless they contradict the law of God.  There’s still another ‘BUT’ in there.  BUT-when we disobey the laws of the land we must be ready to deal with the consequences.  This too is illustrated in Acts 5:40-42 as we find Peter and John rejoicing in their suffering for Christ.

What’s your point, Brian?  Glad you asked.  Conservative media outlets and some Christians are touting Ms. Davis as modern-day martyr for the faith.  I boldly proclaim to this woman – make no mistake, you are not a martyr.  Far from it.  As Christians we must stand up for what we believe lest we lose our “saltiness” [Matt 5:13].  This woman is not a hero.  In my summation she simply did what I would expect any Christian to do.  Though, her jail time could have been avoided if she had resigned her position.  This may not be a popular opinion but her self-imposed jail sentence makes her look like a bit of a hypocrite.  As Christians we must take the Bible in its entirety.  We can’t pick and choose what parts we will follow and which we will not.  I understand her stance and support her choice not to issue the license.  In this instance, thankfully, the judge provided her a way out without violating her beliefs.  She purposefully chose not to take it.  Men and women of the faith are being martyred daily—meaning—they are actually losing their lives for choosing not to renounce Christ.  THAT is a martyr.  We are not there in the United States—yet.  But I have no doubt it’s coming.  We have already experienced glimpses of it.  Living a Christian life is going to become increasingly harder.  We are all just dead men/women walking and, oddly, I take pride in that fact.  My life is not my own and hasn’t been since I asked Christ to become my Savior.  It’s time we take a page from Jesus’ playbook.  Consider this—even as He was hanging on the cross He exclaimed, “…Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” [Luke 23:34]  Even as He was approaching death His heart was still crying out for the lost.  The world will continue to change and we Christians probably won’t like it.  But the fact remains our hearts cry MUST be for the lost.

Final thoughts and remarks:  As Christians we are called to obey the laws of the land.  But not at the expense of disobeying God’s law.  We must be prepared to lose all we hold dear in order to further the kingdom.  Turning the other cheek will become harder and harder but we must, “….choose this day whom [we] will serve..”  It’s imperative we know all the facts of a matter before we decide to jump on a bandwagon.  If our actions are going to bring reproach to the kingdom then we must stray from doing such.  What are YOUR thoughts?  I’d love to hear from you.  Leave me a comment below—but please be respectful of others opinions.  I’m not looking to open this forum as a debate on current events.

Who are you taking your cues from?

Parent’s-who are you taking your cues from?  In other words, who are you looking up to and learning from?  Whether someone from your past or the present, we ALL take our cues from someone.  They’re that person you watch whose actions challenge you to be a better parent.  Someone whose life serves as an example for how you think you should parent your own children.  I’ve been blessed with Godly parents.  Were they perfect?  Absolutely not.  I’m sure if I tried hard enough I would be able to list what I consider as a few of their faults (Sorry, Ronnie and Pam Rhodes).  I’m also confident if they were to create their own list of perceived failures it would be much longer.  Why?  Because as parents we tend to be our worst critic.  We focus on our worst aspects rather than what we’re good at.  Let me debunk the greatest parenting myth of all times.  You WILL make mistakes.  You are never going to be the perfect parent.  There.  I said it.  Sorry to burst your bubble.  Even this morning was a true parenting failure for me though I’ll save that story for another blog.  Lately I find my son watching my EVERY move.  Quite frankly—It scares me to death!  The little stinker follows me around constantly.  When I shave he wants to pretend he’s shaving. As I’m getting dressed and putting on deodorant or cologne he’s beside me responding, “Pray [spray] me, Daddy—‘pray’ me!!”  At times he’s my little shadow.  While I think it’s cute reality kicks in a reminds he’s watching me.  I frequently question if I’m being the Father I need to be for BOTH my children, my daughter included.  My son takes his “How to be a man/father” cues from me.  My daughter takes her “How a man should love and treat me” cues from me.  If I’m being transparent I’ve- as recently as yesterday- thought, “Maybe my kids would be better off with someone else as their father because I SUCK at this!!”  [pardon the crude language but I’m sharing my honest inner-dialogue]

Looking at my children is like looking in a mirror.  Sometimes I don’t like what I see because their actions reflect my own bad habits.  It’s a reminder of my own failures.  At times I don’t feel like trying because I know I’m going to screw up.  Unfortunately, not trying isn’t a valid option.  It’s my job to “train up” my children in the way they should go.  God has entrusted me (and my wife) with this responsibility.  And it is a great responsibility.  The word reminds us, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.” [Mark 9:42]  It’s a fact—I’m going to make mistakes—LOT’s of them.  But that doesn’t grant me a free pass not to try to be the best parent I can be.  Every action I take should point my children right back to God.  I’ve encouraged my children on many occasions to dust themselves off and try again.  Sometimes I’m forced to practice what I’m preach.  Parent’s—who are you taking your cues from?  You will fail.  It’s a fact.  But allowing things to take our focus from our Heavenly Father isn’t a valid option.  God is the ultimate example of Father/Mother of the Year.  [Yes, I included mother’s.  We are ALL made in his image so, apparently, He has female characteristics/attributes of some type.  Please don’t attempt to engage me in a theological debate – just hear my heart]  Parent’s-our children aren’t looking for perfection.  They’re looking for love and acceptance.  Coincidentally, God isn’t looking for perfection either.  He’s looking for someone willing to do give their best on the journey.  And that can be said of most anything we involve ourselves in.  The object of your focus will determine your successes or failures.  Who are you taking your cues from?

Final thoughts:  Keep your heads held high, parents.  Things won’t always turn out the way they are supposed to.  Thankfully, transparency breeds endearment.  If you make a mistake own it, fix it, and move on.  Wallowing in past regrets benefits no one.  Coincidentally, most of the ideals mentioned in this particular blog can be applied to most any life situation, not just parenting.  Just a thought.  God bless you in the journey!

Comfort can be found in suffering?

Suffering pic

One minute you are floating happily above it all. The next, you find yourself thrashing frantically to reach the surface. What happened? Who or what knocked you down? It doesn’t matter. You are drowning with no help in site. The waves pull you under threatening to literally drown the life out of you. What exactly am I referring to? Grief. A casual glance of the word leaves it seeming harmless. To those encountering it, the experience is much different. At its most defining moment it feels like someone has dropped you in the middle of an ocean. No lifejacket. No hope. You feel alone.

As men, our solution is ball it up, shove it away, and not deal with it. If we hide it, it’s not really there. Right? Wrong! I know because I’ve experienced it. I’ve lost family members and friends I loved dearly. I’ve received the negative prognosis from the doctors. One of my darkest days was the moment I was informed by the doctor my wife and I would not be able to conceive a child naturally or even with the help of current technologies. How can a child not even physically conceived yet leave such a void? Because that very child was conceived mentally and spiritually as I knew they were a promise given to me from God. I had already taught ‘him’ how to play baseball and protect his sister. I had already danced with ‘her’ at our first Father/Daughter banquet and we had sat down for ‘tea time’ on multiple occasions in my mind. Though I had not physically touched my children those hopes and dreams still burned strong in my heart and mind.

Denying feelings and hiding them away only makes matters worse. I’m not a psychiatrist but I know hidden frustrations spill out. Biting comments leave those around you, especially those closest to you, feeling just as bad as you do. My inability to express those feelings to my wife left her feeling just as lonely. The same venom eating me alive now becomes the venom I spread.

Men like to fix things– but some things can’t be fixed. But, the One who can has been referred to as the ‘Great Physician.’ I know, you don’t want to pray. I’ve been there too. Do it anyway. I know, you don’t want to allow yourself to cry, get mad, or show any emotion for that matter. Do it anyway. You can’t move on until you have. We like to write our own stories. In this instance someone took the pencil from your hand and began placing periods where you never wanted them placed. Thankfully, our Heavenly Father is waiting to reclaim that pencil, erase the period, and place a comma instead. As long as you have God leading you it’s never the end, only the beginning.

Grief leaves us all feeling helpless. It seems odd but, feeling helpless is a good place to be. When we finally back away God steps in and works out the details. In his darkest hour the author of Psalms 119 states the following, “My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.” Comfort can be found in suffering? Yep. He’s never left nor forsaken you. Did God promise you a family when the doctors said it’s impossible? It’s done! If he promised it He’s obligated to do it. Did God promise you your children would be saved? It’s done! Did God promise those chains of addiction would be broken? It’s done! I don’t know the shape, size, or package it will come in but I know He’s not a liar. If God said it he will do it!

Hebrews 12:1 reminds us, “let us throw off everything that hinders [this includes your broken dreams, frustrations, hurts, etc] and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” You simply run the race and let Him work out the details. Stand back and watch God move on your behalf. He will do what He said He will do. How do I know? I have two beautiful babies I hug and kiss every night at bedtime. They may not be biologically mine but they are still mine because they were conceived and birthed from my heart. They are my promise. Write your plans in pencil– and give Him the eraser.

Somebody PLEASE take my job!!!!

After reading the title I’m sure some of you think I’ve lost my mind.  I haven’t.  As most of you know I’m a minister.  More precisely, I’m a Worship Pastor.  Like any area of ministry there are times I experience struggles but I’ve always walked away feeling fulfilled by my job and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.  I genuinely love it.  But if I’m being honest, there have been times over the years I have found myself thinking, “Somebody PLEASE take my job!!!!”  Let me explain.  As a minister (it doesn’t matter the role as I think all ministers probably feel that same way at certain times) standing on stage can be intimidating.  The looks a congregation gives leaves whomever is on stage questioning if they’ve done their jobs correctly.  Some Sunday’s its like attempting to pull a parked car from one place to another with the emergency brake engaged.  We find ourselves staring at faces that have been beaten down by life’s struggles, family pressures, work stress, frustrations, and so much more.  It genuinely breaks my heart.  Life is hard sometimes.  Sadly, by the time we arrive to church it seems there’s nothing left to give to God-and that’s the way Satan wants it.  After we encounter constant struggles and beat-down’s we want to come to church, sit, and watch (if we come to church at all–sometimes we just want to stay in bed).  Please realize I speak with transparency and a non-judgmental heart as I too have felt this same way on NUMEROUS occasions.  More than I care to admit.

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Psalms.  It’s like reading someone’s personal journal.  In certain chapters the author is ready to give up feeling forsaken by God.  In certain chapters the author is bursting at the seams to lift up the name of God.  It’s like a roller coaster ride of emotions.  It’s true life as we live it.  But throughout the book the reader is encouraged to actively pursue, praise, and worship God through singing, dancing, with instruments, and more.  It would thrill my heart to show up to church one day and find the service has started early – and without me.  Possibly the congregation was so excited to enter the house of God they came early and chose to worship without being prompted.  What if we came through the doors of our churches worshipping God before ever entering the sanctuary?  Isn’t that what we’re commanded to do anyway?  “ENTER [emphasis is mine] his gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise; give thanks to him and bless his name.”  [Ps. 100:4]  I’ve said it before.  For this to happen our praise and worship must begin BEFORE darkening the doors of the church.  Praise and worship can’t simply be a choice–it must become the air we breathe!  Praise and worship to the Father should be something we can’t live without.  If we’re breathing we should be praising!  His word says-“Let everything that has breath praise The Lord.  Praise ye the Lord!” [Ps 150:6].  I’m appreciative for the weekly paycheck I receive and I have no doubt the Lord will always supply my needs should it be taken some day.  Seems weird to say but, as a minister, it would thrill my heart to know I was no longer needed (please don’t take my words and allow them to be twisted. I hope you hear my heart and not the words being typed).  Can you imagine if pastor’s everywhere had to start looking for other sources of income because the church began doing the work of God unprompted?  Would somebody PLEASE take my job?

Final words and encouragement: I pray this blog is read as it was intended. It’s my prayer that the people of God, myself included, would learn to see past the ‘smoke screen’ of bad news and frustrations the devil throws at us. If we could KEEP our focus on Him we would genuinely experience what the old hymn says as, “the things of this world will grow strangely dim.” You’re not alone in this journey of faith. Do you need prayer today? Feel free to leave me a message here on the blog, drop me a private message via my FB page, call my cell, send me an email—just get in touch with me and lets be the definition of, “where two or three or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them.” [Matt 18:20] You’re not alone today!

It all started with an unplanned pregnancy

Baby on Board pic

All of my life I’ve looked forward to having a family of my own. My paternal instinct was strong and unwavering. I grew up with great dreams and desires for how my family would look in years to come. I must admit, things didn’t quite turn out like I expected –and I couldn’t be more thankful. It all started with an unplanned pregnancy. For some it may seem like a curse. For my wife and I it became the greatest blessing we’ve ever experienced. No, I’m not referring to my wife and myself. I’m referring to my daughter’s biological mother. Our story may be little different than others. Jennifer and I found out in 2005 we would be unable to have children naturally.  As we received the news from our fertility doctor our hearts felt a loss we never knew existed.  Those first few days were like a dark abyss with no sign of relief or the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ so many refer to. Many months later hope and great joy came in the form of an 8.4 pound, brown eyed, and bald headed baby girl whose smile still takes our breath away. The pregnancy that resulted in my daughter’s birth may have seemed like a mistake to many, possibly even her biological mother. But to us, it wasn’t. Something that seemed like a mistake actually became one of the greatest gifts either of us ever received. Funny thing is, it’s not the first time it has happened. Coincidentally, it has happened to you too!

Over two thousand years ago the world received a gift through an unplanned pregnancy. My human brain has trouble comprehending how God can take terrible situations and bring such beauty.  But, thankfully, He does. God’s ‘heavenly bank’ does better business than anything you’ll find on this earth. And his exchange rates are out-of-this-world good (literally and figuratively). He takes our screw-ups, our ashes-if you will, and gives great beauty. Does this mean I condone sin or encourage anyone to make wrong decisions? Nope! But I can say when we do make a bad mistake or sin—IT ISN’T THE END OF THE WORLD!! We can choose to wallow in our own self-pity or we can get up and make things right. Once a mistake has been made it then becomes our job to work even harder making sure it never happens again. We are His children and He has great plans for us all. He has a road we should travel that serves as His perfect will for our lives. Sometimes we ignorantly decide to take side streets. Those side trips always lead to a dead ends. He says today, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” [Jer 29:11] He has a perfect plan!  Now it becomes OUR job to search out His plan and will for our lives. And just think-it all started with an unplanned pregnancy.

Final thoughts and encouragement: Continue pressing ‘toward the mark.’ As the song says, “It’s not over….it’s not finished….it’s not ending…’s only the beginning. When God is in it, all things are new.” He can turn your/our mistakes into something that will bring glory to His name—if you let him. KEEP PRESSING FORWARD!!!!