Keeping up with the Joneses

For the past week and a half most of the world’s television screens have been tuned in to the 2016 Olympics.  It has always been a thing of excitement (for me) to see the world’s greatest athletes in their respective specialties come under one roof and compete against each other.  The same can be said of two specific rivals named Michael Phelps (from America) and Chad le Clos (from South Africa).  Their beef with each other goes back to the 2012 London Olympics with le Clos narrowly beat out Phelps (the favored winner) by .05 seconds to win the gold in the 200m Butterfly event.  Since that time there has been ‘smack talk’ making its way around the media circuits by these two.  It was apparent from the beginning of this year’s qualifying rounds that these competitors were looking beat the other.  Le Clos seemed to taunt Phelps at every turn.  While le Clos could be found expending his energy to stare down the man he intended to beat, Phelps eyes remained on the pool.  Michael Phelps arrived in Rio with a few different goals in mind and seemed blind to everything else.  The final heat of the 200m Butterfly began, coincidentally, with the rivals competing side by side in the final race.  Even in the middle of a competition le Clos seemed more worried about his competitor than concentrating on running his own race (see the picture above).  By the end of the race a victor had emerged and his name was Michael Phelps.  Le Clos will go home with nothing (as he placed fourth) to show for the race other than a few pictures and a few videos that reflect how he acted during the Olympics.  Had he concentrated more on himself and the task at hand I dare say he may have done quite a bit better in his race.

As Christian’s we’re all in a race.  Not necessarily to see who can grow a church the fasted or have the largest choir.  Rather, it’s race against time.  The end of time, that is.  We all are instinctively born with the desire to accomplish.  Maybe your thrill comes from hunting, shopping, couponing (the latest rage), competing in sports, “keeping up with the Joneses.”  As Christian’s we also have something that should drive us, it’s called the Great Commission.  Matthew 28:19-20 reminds us, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  When you join His team your life (should) become less about your own accomplishments and more about others.  Reaching the unsaved, teaching new believers biblical truths- while studying to show yourself approved a worker unashamed and handling the word of truth.  Too many times we find churches competing against each other for members, or to have the greatest music program, or any number of (dare I say) ignorant reasons.  It’s not important what denomination we’re members of.  The quicker we realize we are all in this race as a team, the easier it will be to accomplish the works we’ve been entrusted to do.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  Christianity is a team sport.  We’ve all heard the saying, “There’s no “I” in TEAM.”  If you see a brother/sister in Christ that has fallen, help them up.  If you see someone in need, give them a hand up (notice I didn’t say a “hand out”—big difference between the two).  “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 3:14

Have a blessed week and press on, my friends!!!

Dance in your underwear

Customarily, our church kids are in Children’s Church throughout our services.  This Sunday was a little different as they were preparing to minister a drama learned at our annual VBS.  From the beginning of the service I noticed an adorable little girl (I later learned she was 2 years old) on the front row in a pink dress just dancing and praising her little heart out.  With each song she danced a little harder.  At one point she just abandoned the norm and danced her little self to the front of the stage.  Her mom took a few steps forward and pulled her back to the front pew.  She glanced up at her mom as if she had been rudely interrupted and went back to dancing.  When I saw both the little girl and her mother the Holy Spirit quickened me and reminded me of Matthew 19:14 as Jesus states, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  If you pay attention to the Bible you’ll find Jesus has a soft spot for children and widows (side note: there are nearly 30 scriptures that speak to this fact).  Children tend to be a more pure, untainted form of mankind.  They don’t recognize man-made boundaries or limitations.  Those are taught.  They are simply living in the moment and what you perceive is raw feelings and emotions.  I had a front row seat to watch a session of unashamed worship to the Lord.  That little girl blessed me as she worshipped with abandonment; but I felt convicted as well as I feel her praise most likely outshone my own.

If you will take a moment and read 2 Samuel chapter 6 you will find the story of King David and the Ark of the Covenant.  He was so wrapped up in his praise to the Master he became undignified in his actions.  With every 6 steps a bull and fattened calf were sacrificed as he danced praising and worshipping God with all His might.  When he arrived home dancing in (what would now be considered) his underwear his wife Michal despises him for it.  She was ashamed of his actions and failed to realize the importance of that holy moment.  She was more worried about public perception rather than joining in the praise party.  Like Michal, the world doesn’t understand our praise so they attempt to silence it.  It’s time we Christian’s become like David (and that little girl from my church) by refusing to be silenced!  He’s been too good not to praise Him!!  We can be stripped of everything we hold dear but they CAN’T TAKE OUR PRAISE!!!  “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord; praise ye the Lord!” Ps. 150:6

Closing remarks and encouragement:  It might be time to dance in your underwear.  Well, do that at home in private.  But, here’s my point–we have to stop worrying about how we’re being perceived and just praise the King of kings and Lord of lords!  Let the world sit in judgment of our actions.  We can sit back with a smile on our face knowing one day EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!  Don’t lose your praise!

Have a blessed week, my friends!

…just another screw-up

Ever feel like you just can’t get ‘it’ right?  You find yourself making mistake after mistake?  Been there, done that.  At times I feel useless. I find myself struggling with my emotions, anxiety, and thoughts while worrying over things that don’t deserve my brain power or time.  The root of my issue, I believe, comes from my passion for life.  I like to get things right.  I take pride in doing things with excellence.  Along those same lines my ‘passion’ gets me in trouble.  In many situations I jump to conclusions before thinking things through.  I’m opinionated and I speak out while failing to bathe my words in love, grace, and mercy.  As I was doing a little studying this week I found myself identifying with someone from the Bible.  Peter.  Man, he was a screw-up.  It’s almost comical how much of myself I see in him.  If he made a mistake it was a BIG one!  But I also admire how he lived his life with ‘gusto.’  I identify with his passion for knowledge.  He spoke out and questioned Jesus on many issues, I believe, because he truly had a desire to understand the mysteries of God.  When he set his mind to do something he was steadfast and dependable.  He lived up to his name.  Good or bad he was, as Jesus changed his name to reflect, a rock. [Matt. 16:8]

While reading through the book of Mark recently something stuck out to me that I hadn’t considered before.  In chapter 16 we find Mary Magdalene, Mary (the mother of James), and Salome coming to anoint the body of Christ after his death.  When they arrive they find an open tomb and have an unplanned meeting with an angel.  The angel tells the women [v. 7], “”…But go, tell His disciples and Peter [emphasis is my own], ‘He is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see Him, just as He told you.'”  Why did He single out Peter?  ‘John the Beloved’ was the favored one—the teacher’s pet, if you will.  Wasn’t Peter a disciple as well?  I have no proof but I suspect Peter, driven by grief, guilt, and of his own volition had probably separated himself from the group following his denial of Christ.  For Peter this announcement was more than just a resurrection announcement.  I believe this was a reminder to Peter of God’s love for him and forgiveness of what he had done.  Regardless of his mistake there was a redeeming love that was calling out to him.  That love was beckoning him to leave his past and concentrate on his future.  A love that was encouraging him to, as Isaiah 43 states, turn away from the former and concentrate on the new thing that was springing forth.    After the ascension, Peter took his part of the world by storm.  He used his mistakes as fuel to do better….to be better.  I want to remind you today that you’re never ‘just another screw-up’ to God.  When God looks at you it’s from the eyes of a Father.  Those eyes glare at you with love and excitement.  He knows your potential and ability and wants the best for you.  Mistakes or not, you’re His child.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  It doesn’t matter if you’re the ‘passionate’ type or the ‘apprehensive’ type.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a dreamer or prefer employing logic in your decision making.  Each person plays their own part in the kingdom.  Each part of the body of Christ is just as important as another.  Bottom line-He forgives, loves, and forgets the past…..and you should to.

Just because it feels like a detour doesn’t mean it is one.

Detours.  Love them or hate them, they are a fact of life.  I despise seeing those orange signs because they feel like a nuisance and a diversion sent to slow me down and prevent me from reaching my destination.  One of my greatest frustrations with detours is the fact that I’m terrible with directions.  There is always this innate fear that I’m going to miss a sign and get myself lost in some unknown countryside.  Years ago my wife and I decided to purchase a home for our eventual retirement.  I know what you’re thinking; it seems ridiculous since I’m (still) only 29 😉  We decided on this one house we both loved and went back to the real estate agent’s office to begin the paperwork. From the beginning to the end of the process we were plagued with problems.  First, the agent couldn’t get the wireless keyboard or mouse to work.  Then, for 15 minutes he was unable to log into the system.  Once he got into the system he was unable to get into the specific file for the house we were interested in. This went on for about 30 minutes.  At one point I turned to my wife and gave her a knowing look.  She looked at me with stern eyes and quietly mouthed, “Stop it!”  I simply shrugged my shoulders and gave her another look that relayed my realization that something was going on.  When the information came onto the screen someone else had just placed a contract on the house in the minutes leading up to our multiple failed attempts to do the same.  With disappointment we shrugged it off and continued our search.  Weeks later we chose a house that we liked even better and signed the papers.  Fast forward three years – we knew some things were shifting in our personal lives and both felt the nudging of the Holy Spirit to place our retirement home (our future, if you will) back on the market.  While we loved the home we felt once again the Holy Spirit was at work so we obeyed.  In eleven days there was a contract taken out on the house. After all was said and done we received, almost to the dollar, the exact amount back that we had put into it.  Coincidence?  I don’t think so.  God used this particular instance to remind me of the importance of following the Holy Spirit’s leading even when I’m unsure where I’m going.

A friend recently reminded me of a story in Acts 28 and how the Apostle Paul and others became shipwrecked forcing a stop on the island of Malta.  No doubt Paul’s itinerary didn’t include this unexpected stop yet, because of this detour, the gospel was spread, many were healed, and souls were won for the kingdom.  My friend stated, “I am learning that I should never be so stubbornly locked into my plans that I miss God’s surprises.”  Just because something feels like a detour doesn’t mean it is one.  That could have been God’s plan all along.  The problem arises when we create and use our own maps/itineraries rather than getting His input on the direction for our lives.  Those side roads can be frustrating but can lead to many beautiful things we wouldn’t have normally seen/experienced.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  There are many lessons to be learned along the journey.  Take solace and know that, just as it’s mentioned in Exodus 23:20, He is always sending…“ an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I [He] has prepared.  God specializes in making the crooked places straight and placing detours in our plans.  We would all be better off if we just consider those unexpected twists and turns as the ‘scenic route’ and just enjoyed the trip.  It’s my prayer we all can find joy in journeys of life.

Have a blessed week, my friends!

“You feel better now?”

Recently we took our annual summer vacation with the family.  I’m proud to say this trip (in comparison to one I blogged about over New Year’s) was relaxing and extremely enjoyable.  Well, except for one part.  Bedtime.  I love my son.  I really do.  But he doesn’t require much sleep.  Midway through the week he was sleeping in the bed with his mom and me.  As expected he was a wiggly worm all night long, flipping and flopping from one side to another.  I had an extremely hard time sleeping and was miserable as my wife snored on the other end of that king size bed and was none the wiser.  Little sleep and an early wake-up call by our ‘rooster’ left me with a terrible head/neck ache.  I finally gave up on sleep and just opened my eyes with some frustration.  Bub was beside me playing a game on a cell phone and said, “You okay?”  Slightly frustrated I said, “No baby.  You have kept me up all night and now my head and neck are hurting.”  He instantly responded, “You want me to pray for you?”  I said, “Yeah, pray here and here (pointing to the exact spots).  He placed his hands on me, prayed a sweet little prayer, and finished by asking, “You feel better now?”  Though the headache wasn’t gone, I admitted that I actually did feel better as my frustration faded away to shame.

When dealing with my children (or any child I’ve come in contact with) their level of faith is something to be admired.  It’s never a question of ‘if‘ God will answer a prayer rather ‘when‘ God will answer.  My shame came as I realized I was attempting to teach him a lesson on the importance of prayer-not really expecting to receive my healing.  Instead I received a lesson in childlike faith.  As adults we become cynical as we realize most things aren’t necessarily as cut and dry or black and white.  The cynicism arrives as life doesn’t turn out the way we expect, desire, or intend it to.  The older I get I’ve come to realize whether God answers our prayers or not, He’s still an Almighty and Powerful God capable of all things, be it in His will.  The word tells us, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Hebrews 11:6  This scripture reminds us of the importance of our faith in God and the blessings that come as a result.  Our prayers must become less about what we want and more about who He is.  It’s amazing the lessons you can learn after an encounter with a rowdy four year old.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  As my wife has stated, “Don’t get caught up in the insignificant.  Step back and concentrate on the relationship.”  There’s always something greater at work.  We may not always agree with God’s methods but we must have faith that He is working all things for our good….because that’s what a good Father does.  Concentrate on who He is and watch the situations in your life come into alignment with His will for your life.

Have a blessed week, my friends!

…ignore the Lucy’s…

“You’ll never get that kite to fly….you know why?  Because you’re Charlie Brown!” stated Lucy with a smirk on her face.  Our latest family movie night choice was, you guessed it, the round-headed kid with one curly strand of hair and that unmistakable yellow shirt.  In my years of reading the Sunday comic strips Charlie Brown has always suffered from, as he put it, “…a serious case of inadequacy.”  He never felt good enough.  Whether attempting to fly a kite, kick that football, talk to the new girl, learn to dance…….every action ended in an accident or mishap.  BUT–regardless what others said or what he believed, Charlie Brown never gave up.  When he didn’t succeed he just tried again.  Have you ever felt that way?  Too fat, too skinny, too tall, not tall enough, not enough money, not smart enough, not beautiful/handsome enough, you don’t have the right job, you’re always making the same mistakes…..the list goes on and on.  Seems like you’re the President of your own fraternity/sorority aptly named Phi Theta Failure.  There comes a time in all of our lives that we have to decide whether to ignore the hype— whether positive or negative — or entertain it.  If we buy into the ‘stuff’ other people (or ourselves) are spewing–again, whether positive or negative– we may just be setting ourselves up for failure.

Take Peter, for instance.  He is one of the Bible’s biggest failures and successes all balled into one.  He was brave enough to ask Jesus to allow him to walk on water.  Once he gets within arm’s length he loses his confidence and begins concentrating on the environment rather than the fact he walked on water.  Then, when Jesus is being crucified he denies even knowing Him—not once, or even twice, but THREE TIMES.  Once he realizes his mistake it’s too late.  Then there’s Judas.  Yeah-the guy who sold out Jesus for roughly $300-$600 US dollars (values vary according to who you ask but the range is between those two amounts).  The guilt from the mistake Judas makes leads him to take his life.  Rather than wallowing in his own self-pity, Peter becomes one of the most influential apostles ever known.  He used his mistakes as fuel to do better….to be better—not for personal recognition but for kingdom purposes.  Two different men.  Two different situations.  One uses his mistakes to his advantage.  One allows his mistakes to consume him.  In his own words Peter states, “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found to praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:” [1 Peter 1:7]  This coming from someone who had experienced it for himself.  Our struggles are perfecting our faith in our Savior.  Of these two men-whose example will you follow?

Closing remarks and encouragement:  Our successes or failures don’t define us.  Our identity in our Savior does.  Choosing to ignore the Lucy’s in our life will be the best decision we will ever make.  There’s only One whose opinions we need to worry about. I think we all know who He is.

Have a blessed week, my friends!!!

My hero

Dad pic

I remember seeing him come through the door after work every day. It was visibly noticeable that he was physically spent but he somehow found the energy to spend a little time with us at the end of each day and muster up a few smiles along the way. That navy blue pair of pants and matching button up shirt always carried the evidence of the day’s work. No doubt the winter months were always a welcome blessing in comparison to the blustering heat filled days of summer. Though I’ve never experienced it myself I’ve heard the heat inside a textile mill could be unbearable. Some years later he would change jobs and go from one extreme to another. He was no longer working with textile materials rather his days were surrounded by the blood and raw meat. No longer was he standing in heat all day, he was now working in freezers. I watched the effects it had over the years on his body. The man that once stood tall and strong has come to bend a little and he doesn’t have quite as much ‘pep’ in his step. I would have done anything to make his life easier all those years.  It wasn’t unusual to catch him lying on the floor at work under some random machine attempting to fix what should have been replaced years ago. I never heard him complain. He’s always been dependable, steady. and sure. He could (and still can) always be counted on to do what was expected and more. His work ethic was just as formidable at home. No time to stop. He just kept moving.

If you were looking for the ‘poster child’ of a life full of curveballs, search no further. He was the product of a broken home and has dealt with his share of life altering blows which included the tragic loss of his first wife in his 20’s. He was left with two little boys, 7 and 4 years, to raise on his own for a while and he did so as best he knew how. The man I’m talking about it my hero. Some call him Ronnie, Pastor Ron, he answers to ‘son,’ six little ones call him ‘Poppa’……..I am honored to call him Dad. Looking at Ronnie Rhodes is like looking in mirror that can predict the future. I am most definitely a watered down version (because there’s nothin’ like the real thang, baby! 🙂 ) of the man that is my Father. His sacrifice has made it possible for me to succeed. My body will probably never bear as much wear and tear as his because I haven’t had to work in such extreme environments nor complete the manual labor at a level that has always been expected of him. Was he perfect? No. Did he make mistakes? Of course. We all do. Will you find anyone who will work any harder or love their family any more than he does? Doubtful. Though he wasn’t able to get me everything I ever asked for I never went without food in my stomach, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head.  As good fathers become more extinct in our society I’m blessed to say that mine is still here (hopefully) for many years to come.

To my Dad I would like to publically say….thank you. Thank you for loving and caring for me even when I didn’t deserve it. Thank you for teaching me the hard lessons even when I didn’t want to hear what you had to say. Thank you for raising me in a Godly home and practicing what you preached (figuratively and literally) right in front of my eyes. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made so that Travis and I could have a better life. Thank you for the example you are to my children and others on the importance of living a life that is poured out unto God and used for kingdom purposes. It is my desire that you will be as proud of me as I have been to be called your son all these years. Happy Father’s Day!

I love you, Dad!


Choose to confuse!

Waking my kids every morning tends to be like playing the lottery [I don’t play the lottery–please don’t start that rumor-HA!]. I never know what is going to happen. They could wake up in any number of moods and, unfortunately, that determines how good or bad my day begins. Personally, I enjoy late nights but I move like a zombie for the first portion of the morning. I’ve always held the belief that waking up before 10am is infringing on Australian people’s time with God. Seems logical, right?  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.  Anyway, we had endured crazy schedules in the days leading up to this moment. Both of our kids had awakened frustrated and in bad moods simply wanting to stay in bed. After a few arguments and tears (I might have shed a few, HA!) we were finally dressed and started walking outside to the car. My son made it out first. When I got outside I noticed he was standing by the car dancing as hard as he could. I laugh and asked, “What are you doing?” He responded smiling, “The birds are singin’- I gotta dance to duh music!!” That reaction was so different than the battle I had endured with him 15 minutes prior. From that moment forward he was happy as a lark as he was dropped off at his daycare. I drove back home with a smile on my face realizing something I hadn’t considered. My son had made a split second decision. We had endured a terrible start to our morning but something had clicked in his head on the way to the car. At some point he decided he was going to be happy.

Have you ever considered your mood to be a choice? That instance with my son gave me insight and forced me to check myself. I realized, when I’m in a bad mood I choose to stay that way.  That choice makes me like the pig wallowing in a messy puddle of my own self-pity, negativity, and frustration. Granted, some things are uncontrollable. Life just happens. But in the midst of my ‘junk’ I can choose joy. Even in those times when the devil seems to be working overtime to make us miserable I’m learning to choose to confuse!  In other words, our reactions to circumstances should confuse the devil and those around us.  Rejoice in the midst of sorrow?  Yep!  Celebrate in the midst of frustration?  Yep!  Speak life when you’re surrounded by death? Yep!  Let’s face it, negative attitudes benefit no one. James 1:2-3 states, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”  We might even realize things aren’t as bad as we originally thought. Take your cue from my son. If you can’t think of any other way to respond— just, “dance to duh music!!”

Closing remarks and encouragement: I have no desire to minimize the struggles we endure. But my goal is to bring attention to the choices we have. On many occasions, our response can/will make the situation worse…..or better.  Choose joy.  Choose happiness.  Choose life!

Have a blessed week, my friends!

I belong to two men…..

**She’s no stranger to this blog.  This weeks entry comes from my wife, Jennifer.  I pray it ministers to you as it did me!**

What most people do not know is I chased my husband from a distance for a year and a half before we ever began dating. My heart told me he was ‘the one’ and I just couldn’t shake it.  In those days I always found a way to place myself in his path.  I enjoyed being around him and watching him interact with others as he had what many have termed a ‘bigger than life’ personality.  I desired to belong to him, as well as he belonging to me. I can remember nights of intercession during that waiting season, asking God to favor me in his eyes.  Though it was a while later, Brian finally took the hint.  Fast forward over sixteen years later and I can say I value our relationship more every day. The knowledge that God heard my cry and placed this man in my life has taken me through some difficult times.  This man puts me before his own personal needs.  He takes care of our family and loves me deeply…..but he’s in love with someone else too – and I find that very attractive.

I feel certain the title of this blog made some eyebrows raise. But it’s true.  I belong to two men.  No, this is not an episode of ‘Sister Wives’ or ‘Brother Husbands’ (did I just create a new reality show?).  You see, I began a relationship with my first Love at the age of 14.  He has never let me down, can be trusted, is dependable, always has my best interest at heart, and loves me deeper than I love myself.  I sense His presence near me each day, though I have never seen Him face to face.  This relationship with my Lord teaches me how to love my husband, children, family, friends, and others.  Even when I stray or have been unfaithful He picks me up, forgives me, and calls me His bride again.  None of us know what real love is until we’ve received it from its truest source.  This kind of love helps us love others better.  It gives us an added measure of grace and mercy to extend—even when our flesh would rather rid them from our lives forever.  Our relationship with Christ will affect everything we do for the better.  How is that relationship with your Groom?  If I never have those intimate moments with my husband our relationship would fade.  We make it a priority to go out on dates, have meaningful (and not-so-meaningful) conversations, we put the other before ourselves….we purpose to have a strong relationship.  I took pride in preparing myself for my groom (almost) fourteen years ago.  I chose my dress carefully and tried to make sure every little thing was perfect.  I am daily preparing myself for my other Groom too.  Are you?

“…and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” Ephesians 5:27

Forever His and his—


….step back, take aim, and FIRE!

I’ve had to deal with some crazy stuff in my life. Things that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.  I have walked through valley’s that seemed so dark I didn’t know if I would ever see the light of day again.  In the spirit of being transparent there were two spans of time, in particular, I fought suicidal thoughts.  [Not many people know that but, well, now you do.]  I didn’t ask for the tsunami of emotions that consumed me.  It felt like I was being pulled helplessly out to sea with no chance of survival.  The harder I fought, the stronger the current drew me into the abyss.  That dark cloud quietly fell over my heart and mind because of my moment of weakness.  I let my guard down and the enemy slipped in.  I’m ashamed to say— I allowed it, though it was completely unintentional.  In both situations there was a single moment of clarity—a glimmer of light—that drew me away.  Thankfully, both times that glimmer was my life raft.  It was just the thing to bring me back from the confusion, pain, and shame that swirled around me.  It didn’t immediately change my situation but it was enough to bring me back to my right mind-to a place where I could begin hearing from God rather than letting my own “stuff” consume me.

There are lots of things in our lives we need to forget. Times of betrayal, hurt, misery—you know, the baggage we carry that becomes the company we can expect to visit us during those pity party moments.  But then there are other moments we need to remember and hold tight to.  In my mind I see little David (some speculate he was between the ages of 10 and 13) standing in that field getting ready to fight Goliath.  He could have been intimidated by the giant that stood before him but he wasn’t.  Rather than run home scared to Daddy he responds, “Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.” [1 Sam 17:36]  Knowing what God has brought us through is artillery in our hands.  No longer are we walking into battle hoping things will go in our favor.  We’ve experienced it.  If He brought us through before, what makes this time any different?  We simply have to step back, take aim, and fire!  David learned early in his life, specifically in the story above, how to ‘encourage himself in the Lord.’  When was the last time you encouraged yourself in the Lord?  This can be something as simple as reminding yourself what God has brought you through.  Testify to yourself!  You know what I’m talking about.  Those times when God provided and we knew there wasn’t enough money in the bank to pay that bill.  Those moments when that family member that should have died but made a miraculous recovery.  Those moments where He lifted us out of the fire and we didn’t even smell like smoke when we came out.  I want to encourage you today to suit up men/women of God!  If the devil wants to accuse and remind us of our past failures, let’s remind him of his future!!!  You may not always feel like it but, with God on your side you’re ALWAYS an overcomer!

Closing remarks and encouragement: I learned a long time ago, sometimes the only way to deal with a bully is to fight back.  Thankfully we don’t fight alone.  With God on our side……THE VICTORY IS OURS!  Let’s do this!!!

Have a blessed week, my friends!!!

Inspirational lessons from my life