Go play in the rain!


This summer season is just beginning and it has already proven to be a hot one! Finally, after a few weeks of extreme heat, God blessed us with about five consecutive days of rain. I was recently coming home from work during one of those heavy storms. As I approached and pulled into my housing development, I could see something in the distance (near my house) that seemed mildly out of place. I wasn’t sure what it was until I got closer. On the corner of our street there were four tweens sitting in huge puddles of rain water. They were laughing and having a grand time. My first instinct, as a Dad, was to roll down the window and say, “Get out of that nasty water before you get yourself sick! There’s no telling what kind of bacteria is in that!!”  When I was able to put those thoughts to the side, I just stared at them and smiled. I remember those times as a child when the simplest of things seemed like fun. I don’t ever remember being worried about germs or bacteria. I miss those days of blissful ignorance. As I’ve aged, I’ve become cynical and calloused because of the things I’ve seen, experienced, or heard.  I’ve seen how terrible certain things and people in this world can be and I’ve allowed it to affect everything I do.

Is that you? Can you relate? When was the last time you played in the rain, mud, or allowed yourself to be like a kid again? I know, I know! We’re adults and we should act like it. Maybe.  But what is wrong with choosing to place your worries and burdens to the side and just focus on the joy of living. Life has a way of chewing us up and spitting us out sometimes. After a while, we don’t trust or have faith in people as we once did. We stop giving people the benefit of doubt. We stop playing in the rain. Psalm 28:7 (NLT) says, “The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” God has already proven He will be our protection when we need Him. If He’s done it before, He’ll do it again. Why wouldn’t we trust Him and choose joy over worry or anxiousness? Joy is a choice. Joy is choosing to be happy in spite of the negative circumstances that surround us. Worry accomplishes nothing. It is a thief and an uninvited visitor that overstays it’s welcome. Those are the kind of things/people that need to be kicked to the curb.

Closing remarks and encouragement: As children, we don’t worry or fret as much because we expect Dad and Mom to take care of the problems around us and rescue us when we need it. It should be the same with out Heavenly Father. Why worry when we know He’s looking out for us and has our best interest at heart? Go have a little fun! Go enjoy the life you’ve been given. Go play in the rain! God’s got this!!!!

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

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