A one-time switch


My daughter is a hard worker and consummate overachiever in most aspects. If something really interests her, she will immerse herself into that activity with all her strength. Many times, I think she enjoys pushing herself to see how much she can really handle. Recently, we were unloading groceries and I noticed she was overloading herself with an extreme number of bags. I spoke up and stated, “Baby, that’s too much. Give some of those to me.” She said, “I was trying to help you.” I replied, “Baby, I’m bigger, stronger, and can carry more. I can handle it!” She handed me a few bags and looked relieved to have part of her burden lifted. She galloped off to carry things inside with a grateful smile on her face. In that moment, I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me saying, “I could do the same for you if you’ll let me.” You see, I also have a tendency to carry more than I should. I see my family struggle in some way (physically/mentally/spiritually) and I pick up their burdens making them my own. I see my church members going through trials in their lives and it rips my heart out. Sometimes, I watch the news and feel overwhelmed at the things going on while feeling helpless to do anything about it. Lately, I’ve been carrying burdens I was never meant to carry. Funny how the Holy Spirit will use something as simple as unloading groceries to minister to you.

Do you ever feel so burdened down you just want to give up on everyone and everything? If so, I speak from experience when I say, you’ve been carrying something you were never intended to carry. One of my favorite scriptures is Matt 11:28-29. It states, “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” I find it interesting that the word “yoke” was used in this scripture. Just by the nature of its definition, a yoke implies the carrier has hard work ahead of them. But here, we receive a beautiful promise. A promise from our bigger and stronger Heavenly Father. When we exchange our yoke with His, we’re assured a lighter, less demanding burden. We’re not promised a perfect life full of roses and white picket fences. But we are promised a burden we can carry more easily. We must remember, He told us He would never place more on us than we can bear. If it comes to us, He will help us through it. If you come across something too heavy to carry, it’s possible you were never meant to carry it in the first place.

Closing remarks and encouragement: His intention for you is peace and rest. It’s an invaluable gift free for the taking. But He will never push it on you. Take it or leave it. The choice is yours. And if you exchange your yoke with His, make sure it’s a one-time switch. No sense in getting rid of it only to come back and pick it back up.

Have a blessed week, my friends!

Photo by Adli Wahid on Unsplash

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