I was recently at a ministry event out of town. As is custom with church people, there were lots of hugs and handshakes. I greeted everyone but eventually made my way to the restroom to wash my hands. [I’m trying to avoid this flu everyone seems to be passing around] I walk in and find state of the art equipment lined down the left wall. Everything was geared with motion sensors. Now folks, I realize it’s the latest craze but, truth be told, I don’t normally have the greatest luck using them. This instance was no different. I literally end up going down the line of sinks simply trying to get a small hand full of soap from the dispenser. I’m waving my hands feverishly and, if I’m being honest, getting a little panicky. Getting frustrated, I decide to stand still and wait. I was determined NOT to leave until I had washed my hands (the OCD in me was running rampant this day, LOL!). FINALLY, after about a minute of continued waving I score liquid gold!!! It was a small amount but was a little piece of heaven to me. Whew, crisis averted. Then–you guessed it–the waving commences as I attempt to get the water to work. I literally found myself talking out loud to the sink, “Hello? Can’t you see me? I’m standing right here!!! I’m waiting!!!” **I pray no one was in there or heard me talking to an inanimate object.**
In hindsight, this moment was comical but it left me pondering. I feel like most of my life is spent waiting. Specifically, waiting on God. You all know the feeling. You’ve prayed, fasted, and done everything you know to do. It leaves you yelling, “Hello, God? Can’t you see me? I’m standing right here!!! I’m waiting!!!!” In moments like these I’m reminded of a valuable lesson. God and I have two VERY different time tables. I say go. He says wait. I want to run ahead as He yells, “Slow down!” More specifically He says, “Be still and know that I am God.” [Ps 46:10] For those like myself needing a better translation because we have no patience–sit down, shut up, and just wait! [that can be found in the Brian International Version–you can pick it up at your local Christian bookstore now, LOL] I know. You don’t want to wait. Neither do I. But think of it in these terms. If you pull a pan of biscuits out of the oven before they’re completely cooked you end up with inedible little piles of dough. The unfinished product is not nearly as appetizing. But if you simply wait a few minutes longer you end up experiencing something that will bring a smile to your face. Have you done everything you know to do and now you’re left waiting on God to move? Be still and know He is God. He has never let you down so why would he start now? BE STILL!!! He’s all sufficient, all knowing, all powerful. God’s got you covered today. Just sit still and watch how He supernaturally works things out. Trust the Chef. He’s whipping something up especially for you!