Do you smell like someone’s mistress?

My wife and I set aside time at the end of our evenings to alternate between spending personal one-on-one time with our kids prior to their going to sleep. We lay in bed with them discussing what has happened over the day and pray with them.  A few nights my daughter rolled over and began sniffing my shirt.  At first I didn’t say anything.  But she did it over and over again.  After five minutes of this seemingly odd interaction I finally asked, “What are you doing?”  She giggled and said, “I like the way you smell, Daddy!” as she nuzzled into my chest for some cuddle time.  To be honest, I never really thought about it but I assume I do give off my own scent of cologne, deodorant, and soap.  My assumption is that would be my own personal smell.  Apparently, as she expressed that night, it brings her comfort.  No doubt she’s smelled that same aroma hundreds of times over the seven years of her life.  The wheels in my brain began turning and left me with a question.  What do I smell like to God?  Odd question, right?  Not really.

Throughout scripture we find references to God smelling things. Scriptures like Phillipians 4:18, Leviticus 26:27-31, 2 Corinthians 2:14-15, Genesis 8:21, Exodus 29:18, and Ephesians 5:2. (You should take time to read them)  In each reference God has experienced a “sweet savor”, an “odor like incense”, or “an odor of a sweet smell.”  In other words, God has experienced something He likes and is pleasing to Him.  What do all these scriptures have in common?  They all reference the scent or smell being given off due to some sort of sacrifice by His saints.  I’ve always held to the belief if my worship didn’t involve some sort of sacrifice it couldn’t be considered genuine worship (we can argue theology later—hit me up if you disagree).  The very act of being a true Christian is sacrifice (death to self and this world).  Christianity will never be about out-doing your fellow Christian in the ‘sacrifice’ department.  This isn’t some sort of game to play or win rather your personal relationship with God.  What does God smell when He sniffs you?  Does He smell his bride? Or do you smell like someone’s mistress?  I know—that seems harsh and a little crude—but not really.  If God were to close His eyes would He be able to find you by your scent?  How are you living your life today?  Sacrifice comes in many forms and is reliant on the condition of the heart.  Honestly, it’s none of my business.  But you can’t hide it from God.  I can assure you, the better you smell to God the more you become a stench in the nostrils of the enemy …….and that’s the point.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  The goal of this blog isn’t to stress the mistakes of the past rather focusing on the future.  It’s about keeping ourselves pure for our Groom.  He’s looking for a bride without spot or blemish.  Is that you?  May seem a little weird, especially for us men, but we’re Jesus’ girl.  Let’s keep ourselves clean, friends!

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