What I am about to share is probably one of the most embarrassing things I have ever done – something I’m genuinely ashamed of. Throughout my life God has supplied me whatever I needed. While in middle school I was given a lot of responsibility by one of my teachers and, sadly, I misused and broke her trust. She trusted me enough to inform me of quite a few things the other students didn’t know, including where she kept a bag of money in a closet from the sale of school supplies to her students. One day while she was gone I decided to steal fifty cent to get an ice cream in the cafeteria during lunch with the intentions to replace it. But I never did. My initial offense became a daily occurrence for a few weeks with the amounts increasing daily. One particular day I stole over $20 from her. Each time I didn’t get caught I felt a rush of excitement but was still bothered because I knew I was doing something I shouldn’t have been doing. There was no justification for my sinful actions. I knew right from wrong and had no excuse. Once she figured out what was going on she set me up, I took the bait, and I got caught. I was so ashamed. The trust and faith I had worked so hard to build with my parents and teacher were lost in a single set of actions. I still remember the day she called my home to discuss it with my father and how emotional and saddened he was that I had made such a terrible decision. Even though I had done something so terribly wrong his love for me never changed. Over time, I built that trust again but I never forgot the emotions and feelings that went along with that entire situation.
Exodus 3 finds Moses having a conversation with God via a burning bush. God had heard the cry of His people and was about to release them from under the oppression they had been experiencing for so long. Verse 15 states, “God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations.” Let’s consider what just happened. God just had a conversation with a fleeing murderer (Moses) about using him to deliver His people from an oppressive ruler. He also just reminded them (in the scripture listed above) that He was the God of a liar (Abraham), another liar (Abraham’s son, Isaac-who repeated his father’s sin), and a dishonest swindler (the “heel-catcher,” Jacob – God didn’t even use his redeemed name, Israel). Seems odd he would choose and use so many imperfect people. So many “screw-ups”, if you will. And now, a former thief, he uses me to minister and lead the lost to His saving grace. But I’m glad He did. Your past isn’t a problem for God. Why should it be a problem for you? “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” [Romans 8:1] Hold your head high and press on!
Closing remarks and encouragement: Regardless of your past, we serve a God who offers us a redeeming love that we are undeserving of. Adulterer’s, liars, whores, cowards, cheats, murderers, and donkey are just a few of the vessel’s He’s chosen to use. Don’t ever allow the enemy to convince you your past prevents you from your work for the kingdom.
Be encouraged and have a blessed week, my friends!