What name do you answer to?

I look at pictures of myself as a baby and I was what one would consider an average size child.  By the age of three, it was apparent I had discovered a joy for eating.  I have dealt with weight issues for most of my life.  Through my elementary, middle, and high school years I remember the constant bullying that I had to endure.  I was called names, made fun of, and even physically attacked in some instances.  I remember being in middle school and being required to “dress out” for the first time and being embarrassed to change in front of other guys who were in much better shape than I was.  I remember the numerous names those bullies called me; Fat Albert, fatboy, biggun’, and others.  Each time someone referred to me by one of these names my self-esteem took a deeper nose dive.  In 2007 I began a journey of losing nearly 200 pounds by exercising and making better food choices.  I assumed I’d feel better about myself once I lost the weight.  I was wrong.  Even at my smallest weight I still thought and felt like a fat kid.  I had chosen to buy into the hype and venom I had heard so many others spew over the years.  It’s now 2018 and I’m at a different place in my life.  I’ve gained some of the weight back but I’m at a point in my life I don’t feel the need to focus on that.  I’ve learned that I actually like Brian Rhodes.  Flaws and all.  I finally like myself.  And it only took me nearly 40 years to get there.  Go figure!

The book of Daniel tells us the story of Daniel.  King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Daniel’s hometown and goes about attempting to indoctrinate their best and brightest by instructing his leaders to take all the young men with no blemish, good looking, and intelligent and bring them to him (a group which included Daniel).  Once there, the king instructs they be fed the best food and wine from his table, and given a Babylonian education.  The king even went so far as to instruct the chief official to change their names.  Daniel 1:7 states, “The chief official gave them new names: to Daniel, the name Belteshazzar…..”  Daniel and his friends were renamed after Babylonian deities (false god’s).  Nebuchadnezzar’s goal was to turn them from what they had been taught and brainwash them for his purposes.  Throughout the entire situation, Daniel behaved himself wisely and respectfully doing anything asked of him while not compromising his beliefs.  He became known in the kingdom as a man of great integrity and God promoted him on numerous occasions.  The older I get the more I realize, it doesn’t matter what everyone else calls me.  You can call me names all day, but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever answer to that name.  By doing so, I’m consenting to the intentions you’re placing upon me.  Today, the only name I choose to answer to is “Redeemed.”  As a believer, I am no longer a slave to the fears of this world.  I was so loved that God sent His Son to die for the remission of my sins.  Apparently, I’m quite priceless in His eyes.

Closing remarks and encouragement:  What name are you answering to today?  The world will attempt to label you and pull you away from God’s purpose for your life.  What matters is the name you choose to answer to.  Don’t forget, you’re not battling flesh and blood today.  Confuse the enemy and choose to love those who attempt to hurt you.  Place your focus on things with eternal value.

Have a blessed week, my friends!!!

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